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Kurtis Formula1 points
statistics of races points in Formula One by Kurtis

Kurtis Formula1 points

By driver

NrRace entries%Driver
19 32 59.38% Bill Vukovich
12 64 18.75% Sam Hanks
10 64 15.63% Paul Russo
9 48 18.75% Jack McGrath
9 8 112.5% Lee Wallard
9 72 12.5% Johnnie Parsons
8 24 33.33% Bob Sweikert
8 16 50% Mike Nazaruk
8 32 25% Art Cross
6 32 18.75% Jim Rathmann
4 24 16.67% Jimmy Davies
4 32 12.5% Johnny Boyd
3.5 24 14.58% Duane Carter
3 32 9.38% Tony Bettenhausen Sr.
3 16 18.75% Cecil Green
2 8 25% Dick Rathmann
2 40 5% Andy Linden
2 8 25% Manny Ayulo
1.5 64 2.34% Freddie Agabashian
1.5 24 6.25% Troy Ruttman
1 8 12.5% Joie Chitwood
1 24 4.17% Walt Faulkner
1 16 6.25% Bill Homeier

By Grand Prix

NrRace entries%Grand Prix
127.5 1688 7.55% Indianapolis

By season

NrRace entries%Season
25.5 216 11.81% 1953
21 184 11.41% 1955
19 136 13.97% 1951
18 232 7.76% 1954
13 112 11.61% 1950
13 168 7.74% 1952
9 184 4.89% 1956
5 168 2.98% 1957
4 128 3.13% 1958