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Gordini Formula1 drivers
list of drivers in Formula One with Gordini

Gordini Formula1 drivers

DriverRace entriesVictoriesPolesPodiumsFastesLapsIn pointsPoints
Aldo Gordini 1
Andre Milhoux 1
Andre Pilette 6 1 2
Andre Simon 5
Birabongse Bhanudej 4
Carlos Menditeguy 1
Clemar Bucci 4
Elie Bayol 4 1 2
Fred Wacker 5
Georges Berger 1
Harry Schell 7
Jacques Pollet 5
Jean Behra 20 1 1 3 5.14
Jean Lucas 1
Jesus Iglesias 1
Johnny Claes 1
Maurice Trintignant 19 3 6
Michael Poberjsky 1
Nano da Silva Ramos 7 1 2
Pablo Birger 1
Paul Frere 3
Robert Manzon 23 1 4 12
Roberto Mieres 3
Roger Loyer 1